Let ACE be the compliance cop!

Protect your dealers and drive agency revenue with fully online compliance training and certification.

Let ACE be the compliance cop!

Protect your dealers and drive agency revenue with fully online compliance training and certification.

Be an agent of change.

Get your dealers up to speed and add a reliable agency revenue stream.

Become an ACE agent! You can meet with ACE, sign your referral agreement and start signing and enrolling dealers and users the same day. Be sure to ask about our ACE Trainer certification.

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Add ACE to your agency toolkit for current and prospective dealer clients. As your dealers add personnel who are not already ACE users, you can get them enrolled, trained and certified.

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ACE training is not just for F&I. ACE has a certification for everyone responsible for compliance, and you earn commissions for the initial certification of every new ACE user.

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ACE pays agents 20% of the flat rate for the initial certifications purchased by your dealers. Your ACE revenue stream grows as your agency adds rooftops and your dealers hire new workers.  

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ACE pays commissions monthly. You can enroll users onsite and report signups or let ACE do it for you. Add future users by making ACE part of your dealers’ onboarding process.

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Who learns what?


Statutes and regulations

Compliance Officer

Automotive Compliance Specialist

F&I Specialist

Sales Management Specialist

Sales Specialist

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

FTC Disposal Rule

FTC Holder in Due Course Rule

FTC Privacy Rule

FTC Red Flags Rule

FTC Telemarketing Sales Rule

FTC Used Car Rule

IRS Form 8300 (Cash Reporting)

Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
Regulation M
Regulation Z
Risk-Based Pricing Rule
Safeguards Rule (Gramm-Leach-Bliley)
Unfair, Deceptive or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAP)
Sales and finance Compliance Officer Automotive Compliance Specialist F&I Specialist Sales Management Specialist Sales Specialist
Accounting Checklist
Adverse Actions
Conditional (Spot) Delivery
Credit Applications
Customer Signatures
F&I Menus
F&I Menu Vocabulary
Installment Sales Contracts
Negative Equity
Preventing In-Dealership Theft
Quoting Payments
Legal standards Compliance Officer Automotive Compliance Specialist F&I Specialist Sales Management Specialist Sales Specialist
Sexual Harassment

Who benefits from ACE?

ACE training and certification pays dividends for agents, dealers and customers.

ACE gives agents a tool every dealer needs and delivers a consistent, reliable agency revenue stream.

ACE dealers get current, renewable, role-specific training written by attorneys for dealership workers.

Every customer deserves the protections afforded by federal law, including the security of their data.

Does ACE offer in-person training?


ACE does offer live training by special request. Click here to request details. ACE also hosts live training at industry events. Click here to see where ACE will be next.

Why is ACE the dealer’s choice?

The ACE/Mosaic Compliance Services program has been recognized in every Dealers’ Choice Awards since 2016, earning high scores for:





What do dealers say about ACE?

Not only does ACE deliver quality compliance content at a lower cost than other programs, but its web-based platform also allows employees to maximize their time because they don’t have to travel and can complete the training modules in small chunks. More »
Lori Church, Holman Automotive


Gil Van Over III is the founder and executive director of ACE, a 30-year industry veteran and a nationally recognized compliance and auditing expert, trainer, author and witness.

Who is ACE?

ACE is led by compliance expert Gil Van Over III.+